
Showing posts from April, 2010

The Sky Is Falling...

Yes, I shall henceforth be known as Chicken Little... Last week I finally decided to chuck my therapist and psychiatrist. As you can imagine that wasn't a very easy thing to do. Ditching the psychiatrist alone was a 20 minute argument which was not pretty...funny, you would think when I said this isn't working for me there wouldn't have been 20 minutes to argue about... I have found a new therapist who deals with patients with chronic illness/pain and I'm looking forward to seeing how she can help empower me to finally come to some kind of terms with my illness. That said, I've had a serious week of breakthrough's (who knew I needed to get rid of my shrink to have this happen). For the past 3 years I have had a love/hate relationship with the word CAN. You wouldn't think a three letter word could make that much difference in someones life and yet you would be wrong. Every time I think "I can do this" it turns out something more like "I can'