Just Call Me Rosie...

So I had an ESI in my neck yesterday. For those of you that have no idea what that means, its an epidural steroid injection. Apparently, my pain management guy has some killer steroids because wow, have I got the red face and the serious bitchies today. I'm also feeling the need to put up a Christmas tree or twelve....

So there has been a lot of sitting around today feeling sorry for myself. The Mr. has nixed Christmas tree decorating and I have neery a closet or a childs bedroom to clean (I did them all the last time I was flying high on steroids...17 closets...go me).

My face is so warm and red that I'm pretty sure if I got out a steak I could cook it to medium rare..possibly rare and I could roast a few marshmallows if you prefer...

So while I was sitting around bored and on fire I just happened to think about when I was getting my iron infusions done. My Hematologist is also an Oncologist and I ended up having my infusions in the chemo ward at his office. There is pretty much nothing that will scare the pants off you quite like walking into a room with 20 patients receiving chemo at the same time.

After a few times I got to know the regulars that were there the same time and day I was. We would nod hello or have a quick chat, everyone was really as nice as could be. There was an older gentleman who would come in with a lovely woman and they would chat with everyone while they were there.

One day he showed up with what looked like the worse case of sunburn, pretty much everyone commented on it and told him how healthy it made him look, that was until he started to tell everyone that it was a side effect of the chemo that he was on and that he had been walking around with rosy red, on fire cheeks for days. I remember thinking what a total pain to have to deal with peoples comments on top of having to deal with the uncomfortable fact that for him, the situation wouldn't be changing soon.

So I've decided to count myself lucky. Yes, my cheeks are uncomfortable but in a few days when the cortisone dissipates I will be back to normal and thankful for it, I only hope this wonderful gentleman can say the same and that after all the chemo he went through that in the end he won the fight.

Being ill isn't easy and it sure isn't for sissies....


  1. Little perspective goes a long way. Hugs. Enjoy your glow. If you were here I'd gave some closets for you to clean.

    Hope the injection does wonders for you.


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