A What???

I just sent the hubs out to Dairy Queen for ice cream (why no, that isn't on my diet....thanks for asking). Amongst some grumbling and moaning he asked both Hope and I what we wanted.

Peanut Buster Parfait for me (hey, it's a good source of calcium) and then Joe turns to Hope and she says, "I want a hairy Dilly Bar." Or at least in my head that's what she said.

I looked at her with a confused look on my face and said, "a what?" All the time imagining the employee at DQ rubbing a dilly bar on the floor to pick up hair.

"I said I want a CHERRY Dilly Bar, Mom. What did you think I said?"

I'll be getting measured for my hearing aid later this week....


  1. Mmm! A hairy Dilly Bar!

    I think I need hearing aids, too. What the heck? I hear Miracle Ear's having a sale.

  2. hehe, I didnt even know they came in hairy or cherry

  3. Hhaha that is lough out loud funny. A hairy Dilly bar...yikes.

  4. ♥ That's funny! My kids love dilly bars not sure they'd go for the hairy ones though... :)

  5. It's not your hearing, it's the fact that kids mumble. Keep telling yourself that and it might be true.

  6. hairy dilly bar..you do need a hearing aid. And good thing you reading this or you would think I said "lemonade".



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