Overheard at My New Rheumatologist's Office....

"Melissa, the issue with your feet is OBVIOUSLY your rheumatoid arthritis. Let's increase your medicine, give you some steroids and consider a cortisone injection. You are obviously NOT in remission. How long do you want to try this treatment?"

"A month?"

"I want you back in two weeks for a check up."

And at that point I had to physically restrain myself from hugging my new doctor...he's not someone I would go to for life (he's seriously about a hundred years old) but for the next three months, I can totally handle that.

Oh, I almost forgot while I was checking out he came to find me and asked me about what I take for pain...and then offered me something...

And then my chiropractor told me he would be happy to deal with my back issues and that was icing on the cake....of course this was after he rubbed my ankle for 15 minutes.

Yeah, an all around stellar day for doctors!! My trust in doctors is going up at each visit...thank goodness....pardon me while I do the happy dance...care to join me?


  1. did you have stubble around your ankle when he was rubbing it? just wondering. hehe

  2. WOW Melissa, a BANNER day!!! YAY! I'm so glad what you have been feeling has finally been not only validated, but is being treated in a positive, proactive way. I'm glad you have continued to be an advocate for your health!! :)

  3. how fabulous ... i love your new doctor, too!

  4. Yay! This is awesome. Finding practitioners you trust is half the battle. Keep going. You are doing great.

  5. oh good. It sounds like FINNALY you are getting the attention you need!

  6. I'll dance with you! I know how amazing it feels when you find a good doc!

  7. Hoooray. Laughed my head off at "he came to find me and asked me about what I take for pain...and then offered me something..." sounds like you guys had some sort of deal to work out ;o)

  8. That's fabulous! I'm happy you had such a great day!

  9. ♥ RIGHT ON!!! It's about time for a "GOOD" doctor!!!

  10. I WILL join you in your happy dance cuz it's about damn time girl!!!!

  11. Doing the Snoopy dance with you!!!

    I know that this will probably sound silly, but have you tried this stuff?

    A friend recently hooked me on it and another friend, to whom I gave a bottle, says it's awesome on her arthritic knee.


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