IBS...or...I've Been Shitting,,,

7 weeks ago tonight I was getting myself ready for my ankle fusion surgery due to my RA. While I was scared and worried, I was quite blissfully unaware of how difficult the next 7 weeks were going to be.

The surgery went pretty well and a week after the surgery the incisions looked good, enter a double dose of Enbrel and Arava on the side and the incisions quickly took a turn for the gnarly. It's 7 weeks later and I still have a scab on my foot that is trying to heal. Needless to say the incisions have really done a number on me...it's hard to believe something that ugly can be attached to my person.

I've worked really hard to get past it and embrace my foot and hope it heals quickly.

I could have never guessed that I would also have a new disease to deal with. The day after the surgery I started to used the bathroom a little more frequently than before...before I knew it I was using the bathroom 7 or 8 times a day.

I switched my diet back to gluten free, added folic acid, stopped eating veggies and fruit until finally last night I couldn't ignore it anymore when I started to vomit. I spent the day at the doctor's office and in the ER receiving IV fluids for what we're assuming is IBS. I'm pretty sure the only reason I got to go home and not stay at the hospital is because I wanted to leave really bad.

I've had nausea, diarrhea and indigestion for 7 weeks and I couldn't face the fact because I just don't know if I can handle one more thing. I feel horrible, hungry and just plain run down. I'm frustrated that my body just can't work right when I'm doing EVERYTHING I can to help it heal. I'm sad that I can't take care of myself and my family.

And the straw that broke the camel's back? There are very few medications for IBS which means there is a very great likelihood that I could keep this up for another 7 weeks and end up in the hospital again.

They don't make enough happy pills to make this ok. I've dropped the Arava and added Prilosec and Zofran and now we just hope for the best. I hope the indigestion goes away, and the Zofran takes care of the nausea...now we just have to find a way to slow things down...

Though slowing down my scooter would be a bad thing, can you imagine how hard it is to make a rush trip to the bathroom on a scooter.

I know someday I'm going to look back on this time and laugh but right now it seems so unbelievably difficult...


  1. Hugs M!!! Unfort. sometimes, IBS is like the catch all when they really don't know what's going on. I'd suggest yoga, but that might be hard with your scooter...then again, that could make for an interesting day....lol. Anyways, hope things settle down for you and you're able to get some peace

  2. Hang in there! This really is sort of a miserable time for you but you will make it through. Are you doing little nice things for yourself? A new book? A soft pair of socks? Fancy hand cream?

  3. Oh, Melissa! You just can't catch a break, can you?! I hope it is not IBS - are they looking into viruses/bacteria that you could have picked up while having your ankle surgery (since the timeline seems to be so closely related)? And are they going to send you to the wound care clinic for the incision site? Perhaps they will be able to help the healing despite the medications interferring with it. Stay strong and hand in there - it has to get better!

  4. Not something else. I am sorry. I will keep you in my prayers.

  5. Melissa, I'm sorry you have to go through this! I'm sure you are so frustrated. It is coincidental that it happened right after a hospital stay and a surgery...maybe it is just an infection and will pass soon! Hope you feel better soon!


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