Down On the Farm...

Hope and I were playing a guessing game the other day. She was describing animals to me and I was trying to guess which one she was talking about. She described a lion, elephant, giraffe and then we moved on to this animal.

"Mommy, what animal is pink?" I scratched my head and dug deep into the recesses of my mind and pulled out "flamingo" feeling pretty proud of myself. Hope giggles and says, "No mommy, this animal lives on a farm.." and before I could get my thoughts straight out of my mouth came, "PORK!"

I guess I see most of the animals on the farm as yummy meat...oops!


  1. spare ribs! hamburger says moo! (sorry, just found this post so funny!)

  2. You could have set bacon, which somehow seems worse than pork!

  3. Bwahahaha! Pork isn't pink. It's the other WHITE meat.

  4. I love the pig. Homer Simpson called it "a wonderful magical animal" because it gives us bacon, ham, pork chops, etc. I tend to agree.


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