Just Call Me Fred!

So we had 3 extra days off school this week due to snow, needless to say it was a difficult week around here.

Take one sore mama and add one bored 8 year old and it equals a lot of chaos in a house not quite big enough for the two of us.

I went out with a friend the other day and told her that Hope's attitude was getting difficult to handle. I told her by 8:30 I was ready to change my name because if I heard Mommy one more time I was going to rip my face off.

She looked at me for a second and then asked...was that AM or PM?

Which was really funny because at 8:30am I'm still in bed...

I swear if this attitude gets any worse I'm going to start digging a tunnel in my back yard and hibernating through years 9 to 18...


  1. I saw pictures of all that crazy weather! The teacher I was subbing for was over there and had to stay an extra 4 days due to the weather... Insane!

    And I totally get you on the attitude thing! Scares me too x's 3 girls!!! :)


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