The Bonerator....

This is my back after my first surgery. See that loose screw there? That gave me bragging rights to a lose screw for 4 whole weeks.

After all of my screws were tightened and in the right place my ankle started to really hurt. The kind of pain that makes you seriously consider cutting limbs off. I went for a few xrays and found that their might be some question if my ankle fusion had actually fused. By this time I had already been off Enbrel for almost 12 weeks due to both surgeries and my back surgeon worrying about infection and my back not fusing.

Enter my bone stimulator. This is my bone stimulator and my corset...aren't you jealous?

As you can imagine I've gotten quite a few interesting comments which I will share with you in my next post.

In this post I wanted to tell you about the sales rep that brought it out to me. I was lucky enough to have a neighbor put up both of my Christmas trees. The sales rep came in and pulled out the stimulator, showed me how to use it and then told me how long I had to wear it. 4 hours a day...

When we were done, she gave me the box and said, "Hey, you have all your Christmas trees up, you can take this box and put it under your tree and give yourself the gift of bone for Christmas."

I was good and didn't burst out laughing until she had gone. Seriously? The gift of bone? I told my girlfriend and we had a good laugh over it and henceforth we have called the stimulator The Bonerator...

For all the picking on I take for this thing, I sure hope it does it's job and gives me the gift of bone. If not, I'm going to have to give it the gift of my middle finger...

Tune in tomorrow to hear more of the silly things that The Bonerator has been called...


  1. So...

    you got a boner for christmas...

    giggle... couldn't resist.

    hope it builds lots of strong bones for you though! long thick bones... ((ok... sorry again ;)


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