We All Freak Out In Different Ways...

Have you ever met just a good person? I have a chiropractor like this. He's just a really nice guy, he remembers exactly how many days its been since he married his wife, he always has a smile and a kind word and you can just tell that he's upwardly mobile and going somewhere...not to mention he just found out his wife is expecting. He is just really a joy to be around because life just hasn't kicked him in the shins enough to make him bitter.

I went to get my hair colored today. I decided that I was going to have a few pieces underneath dyed purple (ok, they turned out mahogany but I still likey). I have a hair stylist that is just good people. She's Type A and not only does she do hair but she goes to school for nursing.

When I told her the last time I saw her that I was freaking out about my health and thought about dying my hair purple she told me that I wasn't freaking out I was expressing myself. She makes an awesome stylist and I'm sure will make an extremely caring nurse.

Today I went in and brought her up to date on my health situation which she always asks about and listens to. After a bit of whining on my part she asked me "what's positive in your life?"

I'm pretty good about usually having a carrot out there that pulls me along. I was shocked to stop for a minute and think that I had nothing to look forward to. I quickly thought to myself that I needed to find something...it's going to take a little longer because traveling is out for now.

It took quite some time for her to bleach my hair, color my roots and then dye the underneath purple and we had covered about a zillion topics by then. As she finished drying my hair she handed me the mirror and spun my chair around and said...

"There's your positive...."

And you know it was. I thought the color was about freaking out but it was actually about taking control. I don't get a lot of ways to act out and I often don't get to be in control of what happens to my body but this...I have total control of...next month it won't be mahogany, it will be PURPLE!

So this week I will be looking for the positive, posting about my bonerator...and the circus that is my new laundry room.

Thank you to all the people like D, and Dr C. you make me better....


  1. Awesome! Glad you did something just for you! I'd do fuchsia in a heartbeat.

  2. I did not know you were back to blogging but it looks like you have been back quite some time. I hope you are feeling better these days. I really like this post. It is a reminder how people make a difference in our lives and we, too, can make a difference in the lives of others. And Good for you for doing something for yourself.


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