Seriously, If You Need to Exercise That Badly, Maybe You Should Get Your Own...

A few weeks back when I started to feel a bit better I decided to sign up for myRAfitkit. It's a workout for gimpy people like me. I went to their website and figured out what exactly would work for me and they figured out a program that they thought I could handle...uhm yeah...maybe.

They were nice enough to mail me information about their site and a DVD of my exercises. Now this is where it gets weird.

I pull the envelop out of the mailbox and it's already opened...and it's a pull tab so it didn't accidentally not get closed.

Yes, I kid you not...someone stole my RA exercise routine. Which I truly think is the most warped things I have ever heard of...especially since it's free to anyone on the internet, RA or no.

I haven't had a chance to go back and request another DVD because I'm sure when I tell them my copy was stolen before it hit my mailbox they will laugh themselves silly.

I think I've decided to start with yoga again, seeing as how I just found out that my back is nicely GROWING BONE. It would be very nice to start stretching the muscles that have become weak while I haven't been walking. Oh, did I mention I STARTED TO WALK again?

Life hasn't been easy and within the last week I have been extremely tested but I'm getting my legs back underneath me and I'm choosing to walk away from this and get on with it.

How badly do you think I can injure myself during my first bit of yoga?


  1. Good luck with the yoga and congratulations on picking up walking again. It is my favorite form of exercise.

    I love that someone felt the need to have your CD. I hope it is doing miracles for them. :)


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