Uhm, yeah...I'm 39

The other day I was complaining to Joe as I'm known to do. When I started to moan and groan, "I'm 38 and I shouldn't have to be dealing with my body falling apart"....moan, groan...you know the usual things I normally complain about.

After I said the "I'm 38" part for about the 5th time it finally occurred to me that I just celebrated a birthday and I am now 39. I looked at Joe and said, "uh yeah, I'm 39." He just smiled at me and kept his mouth shut.

I guess he figured if he corrected me at that point he probably wouldn't have lived to see his 39th birthday....smart man!!


  1. hehe I've done that before. Isn't it funny how we can forget our own age?

    I love your blog!

  2. ♥ How funny! I have to think about how old I am too!!! I can convince Joe that he's just about any age! ;)

  3. that is HILARIOUS! i do that too. glad i'm not alone.

  4. I turned 38 in June and realized I had been saying that I was 38 for the past year! I completely missed 37!

    Happy belated birthday!

  5. I always have to do the math for some reason. I can never remember how old I am. Even this year, as I'm 40. I sometimes wonder, "Am I 41 yet?" Must be senility setting in. Weird!

  6. He is one smart man!!!!

    I do that all the time! Funny, eh?

  7. LOL I just had a birthday and I haven't made that mistake yet, but tonight we're going to a movie that starts at 8:45. I said 8:45??!! And Kyle says, "You are SO 30!! That is NOT late!!" Hahaha!!


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